Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Simple Answers

Our life has become so complicated that it's become our norm. When resolving problems, we go out of our way to ask as many people as possible to get a consensus. We'll research until we're satisfied that we have enough resources to make an informed decision. There are so many different places we can search due to our easy access to the internet and our dependency on technology. But even with all this at our fingertips, why is finding answers just as difficult than before. Because we look so deeply into our problems, we find that it takes more time to resolve them. In doing this, we may miss what may be just in front of us. If we were to see our problems from the perspective of a child, we would see how simplistic they can be. Children don't see a complex situation, they only see what their mind can accept. By looking at our problems from a child's perspective, we would see how simple answers may be the best answers. Today, don't complicate matters. When you overthink what you should be doing, you become paralyzed with doubt. Do what is right for you and all will be right.
 Food brings us back to basics...
(I'm guilty of making mountains out of ant hills. I think it's the researcher in me that will keep looking for answers for fear that the right one is just around the corner. Even as a child, I was complicated. Overthinking didn't make me a fun playmate. Even now, I'm better at planning for the future than being in the moment. Simple answers is something I have to strive to understand more. Being in a place that brings peace and calm brings me closer to my goals.)

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