Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Breathe Deeply

Now is a perfect time to be still. To be in the moment and settle your breath. To stop what you are doing and be very quiet. No talking, just be in stillness. Sometimes it's difficult to stop ourselves from spinning like a top during these last days of the holiday. But it's more important than ever to be calm. Being centered and grounded gives you a better perspective of what you are doing. What is the purpose of what you are saying and the actions that you take? In the busyness of life, you sometimes do and say things that are not very gracious. That's why it's important to slow down and take a deep breath every once and awhile. Living a life of love and compassion takes a concentrated effort during this time of year. But it can be done when you let your breath be your guide. Today, do some people watching. It's fun to see the joy in the faces of those who are doing things for the people they love and care for. Take a moment to be still and breathe in the joy of the season.
 How many lights does it take to make a house glow...
(I love the next door neighbor's xmas lights. Every year, he gets something new. This year it was Santa pig, that could move it's head when it was all lite up. Everything is over the top, but it makes me smile when I look at his yard. It gives him joy to do this and it makes the neighbors happy looking at his efforts. That's all that matters during this season of giving and receiving. I think if we concentrate on the intentions of the gifts we receive, then we'll all be more appreciative and gracious in giving thanks.)

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