Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Who Am I?

When you have questions about the life you are living, ask yourself first "Who am I?" The answer to this question will help you to know if you are journeying on the right path. Often times, you can get swept away with your daily obligations and responsibilities that you may lose your focus on where you are headed. By doing the same thing every day and responding the same way, you may not realize that you have changed. As you journey on your path, your experiences and the people you meet can change who you are. You are no longer the person you were, but are the person who you have become. These changes may be so minimal, yet significant that when you respond to situations that have come up before, you may react differently. So when you begin to question yourself about what you should be doing, ask yourself "Who am I?" You may be surprised as to the response you receive. Before you take a step further on your path, make sure you are aligned with who you are at this moment and that your spirit is guiding you. Today, ask yourself "who am I?"  Are you comfortable with the answer? Are you okay with the person you have become? Are you living a life of good intentions and compassion to others? If not, change what is keeping you from living a life that brings you peace and happiness. Knowing and understanding who you are gives you the power you need to make the change in order to be the person you were meant to be.
Sometimes only you can see the beauty that is hidden...
(I asked myself  "Who am I?" and came up with a few superficial answers. I then thought about "What do I stand for? and What is important to me?" all of which makes me who I am. What are my expectations as a person? How do I expect people to treat me? Am I in conflict with who I think I am and how I present myself to others? Answering the question, "Who I am?" may seem easy enough, but I know the answer will lead me to the person I am today. I will think about this in the next few weeks as the universe changes my life to what it will become.)

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