Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Letting Our Questions Lead Our Way

In our efforts to find peace in a chaotic world, there are so many questions we need answers to. But when our lives are in turmoil, our questions reflect our indecisiveness. Sometimes in hindsight, we are able to understand that there were answers, in not having the answers.  When we reflect more upon the questions we ask, we find that knowing the answers weren't as important as we thought. Our questions may tell us more about ourselves, then the answers we hope to receive. They reflect who we are and where we are on our journey.  If there is any chance in finding peace in our life, we need to begin with what we want to know to be true. The questions we ask will lead our way. Today, pay attention to the questions you are asking. How are they shaping who you are? There are so many things that you ask about that clutter your mind. Be conscious of what you are asking and then listen very carefully, for many of the answers you seek come from within you.
Somethings are just meant to experience...

(It dawned on me today, how many questions I ask because of the need to know. But if I were to gather all my questions, it may tell me about how I am doing for the day. I think when I'm feeling scattered, I tend to ask more questions because I'm not sure about my decision making capacity. On the other hand, when my day is going well, I don't need to ask so many questions because I'm feeling more confident in what I am doing. There is no time for questioning myself when I am driven. Just more things to ponder on.)

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