Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Standing Up For Who You Are

It's not difficult being comfortable with who we are, when we are loved and supported. The problem comes when we are challenged by others who don't know us very well. It's times like these that we become unsure of who we are and begin to question ourselves. Many of us may not have thought too deeply about who we are and what we believe in, until we are put into situations where we feel as if we're being forced to defend ourselves. It's at this point, we have to decide what we will do. Before we take action, breath and be still. Know that only because others may challenge us, we are still the same person who have friends and family that love and support us. Today, have the courage to be truly who you are. Be strong in your convictions and beliefs, for they have made you who you are today. Just remember that you have a purpose in this life, it's too bad not everyone can recognize it.

Why can't we celebrate the beauty within us...

(Although it's upsetting to know that there are those who feel that they have to challenge cultures that are different from their own, I understand what a life lesson this can be. It's a time to reflect upon what are my beliefs that I know to be true. Why are others so threatened of things different from themselves.)

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